Range Rules1 . Members only. (Children under 16 are permitted when accompanied by an adult
member 18 or older.) No guests without proper paid pass. Members must wear their membership identification in a manner visible to all except during events open to the public. All members may request to see membership identification of anyone using the ranges. 2. No Handling of firearms while others are downrange, always make sure that muzzle is pointed in a safe direction. 3. Anyone on the firing line MUST be wearing appropriate Eye and Hearing protection. Anyone not on the firing line must wear at least hearing protection. 4. Paper targets only. No glass, bottles, gas cylinders, home electronics, exploding targets (Tannerite), etc. Any other targets must be approved. Pick up any targets when done shooting and dispose of properly. 5. NO automatic firearms, firearms with bump fire mechanisms or binary trigger installed or .50 BMG rifles. 6. Use of Rifles and Rifle Caliber Pistols (except .22 rimfire and Pistol caliber carbines) or shotguns on the Pistol range is prohibited. Use of shot larger than 7 1/2 on the shotgun range is prohibited (Buckshot can be used on the Rifle Range ONLY). 7. Do not place targets above the backstop, on or outside the berms, or on the ground. 8. Please help to keep your range clean, remove all trash and spent casings. Burning barrels are for paper only, Place dud rounds and brass into cans marked for them. 9. Please be courteous when others are waiting to use the range and limit time on the range to 45 minutes. 10. Anyone found deliberately being unsafe, damaging range fixtures or equipment will be subject to expulsion and criminal charges. Please report any accidental damage. 11. The use of alcohol and drugs while shooting is strictly prohibited. 12. Range hours are: 7:30 AM to Sunset, Monday through Saturday. 9 AM to Sunset on Sundays. 13. Hunting & trapping (in season) permitted by members only with valid license. NO tree-stands are allowed on club property. 14. Members witnessing dangerous or destructive behavior are encouraged to call the state police. Please report any incidents or accidents thru the website www.ebsportsmansa.org contact form, or the place at which you purchased the membership. In case of EMERGENCY, the address of the range is: 152 Bangor Vein Road, Bangor, PA 18013 |
Rule 1
Treat all firearms as if they are loaded. Rule 2 Never point the muzzle at anything you are not willing to destroy. Always point the muzzle in a safe direction, away from yourself and others. A safe direction is where if the gun were to accidentally fire, it wouldn’t damage or injure anyone or anything. Rule 3 Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are aligned on the target and you are ready to fire. Become a Member!Click here to find out more about becoming a member of East Bangor Sportsman's Association.
EventsClick here to find out about upcoming events or past events at the range.
Download a copy of the range rules by clicking here